How does this service help?
The Respecting Elders program provides an opportunity for you to talk freely with your family members or carers (through an advocate or on your own) about your wishes in a supportive environment.
This allows you to have a voice in decisions regarding your own care and future. It also helps preserve relationships while allowing all parties to reach resolution and promote better outcomes for future decision making.
We also aim to empower you to resolve family differences to stop or prevent Elder Abuse. While legal options are available, they are often expensive, adversarial and could have a negative effect on your family relationships.
There are many areas which we can assist you in:
- Money or property missing
- Being forced to change your will or sign a power of attorney
- Being neglected and feeling isolated
- Feeling scared to tell others what you want
- Being verbally or physically assaulted
- Your wishes not being respected or ignored
- Someone keeping your friends and family away
- No longer feeling happy in your life
- Preserving a relationship with a difficult adult child
- Feeling you have little control over your life.
Who is it for?
For older people and their families.
How does it work?
A Better Place Australia family consultant will confidentially meet with you to discuss your individual situation and formulate a plan of care.
We use combination of services to empower you to achieve a positive outcome to your situation. Services include:
- Advocacy/ Support
- Counselling/ Coaching
- Facilitated family meetings
- Financial counselling
- Mediation
- Conflict resolution
- Agreement formulation between concerned parties where appropriate.
We can also provide a financial counselling service to assist with debt, guarantor or other money issues.
Most importantly, the service will support you to make your own decisions on matters that are important to you: where you live, how you spend your money, what happens if you fall ill and end of life care.
Any conversations you have with the Respecting Elders Service are confidential and handled with understanding of the complex aged care system and age related issues.
The consultant will be guided by your desired outcomes and wishes. They can meet with family or carers and facilitate meetings on your behalf.
The three main types of elder abuse
Where to begin
We will have a face to face consultation with you to establish your concerns and wishes. We will also have phone contact with any other party if needed.
What do I do now?
If you feel that your situation would benefit from the Respecting Elders service, or you would just like more information, please call 1800 214 117 or email us with your contact details.
Other supporting services from Better Place Australia for older people
We also offer further support services including Facilitated family meetings and Mediation for older people and their families.
Elder abuse support service
An older person-centred service supporting older people in conflict and experiencing elder abuse
Financial counselling
Providing information, advocacy and guidance through financial hardship and unexpected life changes.
Counselling support to manage difficult life circumstances and conflict with family, carers or friends.
Elder abuse research articles
Responding to elder abuse through the Respecting Elders service.
Encouraging the inclusion of older people in society.
Respect My Home Program, a new model of care for elder abuse survivors and perpetrators.
Services Area Page
Elder abuse support services in the Geelong region