We value your feedback. On this page you can provide:
- website feedback
- general feedback
- complaints and compliments
Feedback on the service you receive
After you have attended a service with a BPA practitioner, you’ll be offered an opportunity to comment on your experience. You’ll be sent an SMS link to respond to. We appreciate all feedback because we want to make your experience and outcome the best it can be.
Website feedback
For website feedback, please fill out our Website Feedback Survey.
General feedback
For any general feedback about Better Place Australia, please fill in the details below.
Feedback form
Better Place Australia is committed to engaging with the community, consumers and clients to assist in the design and improvement of our services. We greatly appreciate the time and effort that community members are prepared to share or give to Better Place Australia to provide feedback and their experiences, where they think Better Place Australia could improve and where they think we have done a great job.
Complaints and Compliments
If you wish to discuss a concern or make a complaint, you can call 1800 639 523 or send an email, and request to speak directly to the line manager for the service you are attending or the department your experience relates to.
You can also write to:
Manager of Quality
Quality Department,
Better Place Australia,
PO Box 2770,
Cheltenham, Vic.,
*We aim to send you an acknowledgement within three working days.
Feedback FAQs
Download the Feedback Fact Sheet and FAQs.