Counselling for Individuals

Counselling helps you identify the issues and make positive changes in your life, by developing strategies and changing thought patterns to equip you to deal with them.

Referral Icon

A Mental Health Care plan from your GP is required for this service.

Why seek counselling?

Counselling is the process of working on your personal or psychological issues with the help of a trained professional called a counsellor. Counselling can help you with strategies to increase your capacity to manage life challenges.


Who uses Counselling?

Many people seek counselling for any number of reasons throughout their life such as:

  • Needing help dealing with strong emotions such as grief, loss, sadness, anger, blame
  • Finding it difficult to move on from past relationships
  • Being in conflict with those close to them be it partners, parents, family, friends, colleagues or children
  • Seeking help to identify what isn’t working in their lives and improvement strategies
  • Feeling like their relationship or communication skills need work, or;
  • Wanting an impartial, non-judgmental person to talk to about their life.


Our Counsellors

We have a team of experienced and fully qualified counsellors. When you call and speak to our Intake Team, you can discuss what your needs are and we can match you with the most appropriate counsellor for you.


What is Counselling like?

The counsellor explores with you the difficulties and issues you that are impacting on you negatively. Counselling helps you to see things more clearly and from a different perspective. The objective is to assist you to make positive changes in response to the issues you have identified, by developing new strategies and thought patterns to better equip you to deal with them.

An experienced counsellor can help you to:

  • Understand yourself and how you relate to others
  • Understand your relationships as they are now and how they change
  • Discover what you want from a relationship in the future
  • Find out what it takes to make your relationships work
  • Identify your feelings in a safe place
  • Cope with difficult life circumstances, and;
  • Create positive family or social experiences.


What won’t Counsellors do?

Our counsellors won’t:

  • Give advice or be judgemental
  • Get emotionally involved


How long will Counselling take?

Counselling is usually a maximum of 8-10 sessions, this may vary by your needs.


Fact sheet

Mental Health Counselling – Factsheet Oct 2024

Counselling – Fact sheet

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